Happy To Help
Getting stuck into the basics and fundamentals of the business enables me to help more,
For over 27 years since leaving school accountancy has been the main course of my career, achieving qualifications, knowledge and experience along the way.
Is it fair to say with the ever changing technology and taxation and legislative updates its a profession that allows me to never stop learning new things daily.
To back up my accountancy expertise and spans longer than my accountancy career of 27 years is my passion for computers and software. Which over the last few years has expanded into all things internet such as coding websites. and programming.
One of the first questions you have may be:
“How do you know how to use all of these Software Packages?”
Well here’s the secret:
I have never been an accountant or accountancy practice that was tied to one piece of Software. Simples.
Quite straight forward really, I have always started with the client and not the software, and established what would suit the client rather than my practice.
Kickbacks, commissions, stars and points don’t help my clients they just help to sell more software. Cynical I know.
Being an accountant just isn't enough, accountancy is changing and so is technology - it makes sense for the partnership of skills.
Getting stuck into the basics and fundamentals of the business enables me to help more,
In order to offer advice, recommendations and best practices, you have to be a good listener.
Systems are designed from both an accountancy and software use point of view.
Knowing how to use the software isn't enough, you need to know how to adapt it accordingly.
Reporting the numbers doesn't mean they're always understood - I do.
Always looking ahead and for the next move, tech and accountancy doesn't stand still.
No matter the software you want to or do use within your business, I am unbiased and happy to help.
It might seem strange to see a section like this whilst promoting services, but this gets us off to a good start of understanding to building the relationship.
Like you, I am in business to make a profit and I'm a professional qualified accountant
Quite simply I am not a financial advisor
Any Software recommended is based on the requirements of the business and not a referral fee
I am unable to answer 'just quick' questions or offer opinions, unless of course, you are a current client.
I am not a Pension Advisor either
All HMRC & Companies House dealings are undertaken by the client directly
United Kingdom
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